Sunday 5 July 2015

July 8 2015 Student Discussion

Below, there is a link to a video. Please watch it and make sure you can understand the general meaning. Also, please look at the questions below the link and practice answering them. There is no need to write down your opinions, but if you want to, that is okay.

When you play this video, please turn on the Japanese or Korean subtitles. If you look to the bottom right of the screen, you will find ‘subtitles’ and then a list of languages.

Please go to
and watch the video

David GalloUnderwater astonishments

Why do you think that we have not discovered more of the ocean?

Humans put a lot of pollution into the ocean (even big cruise ships do this). Why do you think humans do not want to protect more of the ocean?

Did you like this video?

What was your favourite animal?

Do you think humans will ever learn to do the things that these animals can do? Would it be useful?

See you in class!

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