Saturday, 28 May 2016

June 1, 2016 BLOG

Please head over to this website or just do a Google search for 'RFID student tracking'. There are many articles on this issue. When you are finished informing yourself, please consider the questions posted below.

See you in class!

1)   If you were a parent, would you want the school to be able to track (follow using a computer) your child?

2)   If you were a student, would you want your school to be able to track you?
a.     Would you change or tamper with the tracking device in your student ID?

3)   Do students need a student ID in your home country?

4)   What kind of students do you think this tracking system would benefit (be good for)?

5)   The schools would be spending a lot of money on these new tracking systems? Do you think this is a smart way to spend money? Will it make the kids safer?

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Blog Day! May 25 2016

I do hope you have been enjoying the long weekend!

Here is the short article for today. Please consider the questions below after reading the article.

1.    Do you think this was posted by a man or a woman? Why? What point do you think that he or she was trying to make?
2.    Who do you sympathize with most, him or her?
3.    Have you had similar misunderstandings with your significant other?
4.    Why are men and women so different?
5.    Is it possible for a men and women to really understand how the other thinks?
6.    Would you like to be able to think like a member of the opposite sex? Might there be any advantages in being able to do so?
7.    What does your significant other do that really infuriates you? What are the most frustrating habits that men/women have?
8.    Do you have any advice on how to understand and get along with the opposite sex better?

9.    Imagine you could switch gender for one day? Would you like to try it? What would you do? What would you like to find out?

Saturday, 14 May 2016

May 18th, 2016 Blog! (plus bonus song)

'Here Comes the Judge' is a great and odd song if you need a break from studying.

Here comes the blog!

Please watch this video as many times as you need to. Make sure you understand the main points. You do not need to understand every word. Using the subtitles might help you. Just click the 'cc' button on the bottom right of the play screen.

1)   Would you want a life with no pain?
2)   Would you choose to live your life plugged into a computer?
3)   Do you think this experience project is different or the same compared to taking drugs or drinking alcohol?
4)   Do you think this technology will ever be available?

5)   Tell us a story about when you were very happy.

See you in class!


Saturday, 7 May 2016

Wed, May 11 2016 Discussion Topic

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Have you ever wondered?

First, please go to this website and answer the questions. Do you fit into the category of introvert or extrovert? Maybe neither?!

Second, please go to this website and read the article. Is this you?

The last question we will consider in class is culture and personality. In your home culture, which personality type do you think is most successful or desired?

See you in class!


It is spring!! What can you do? I can help!

If you're craving a trip outside, but just don't know where to go, have a look at this website. You can look at this website too. There are so many great ideas!

Remember, in many Canadian cities, spring is unofficial celebration time. Winter is over and the sun is back!

Sunday, 1 May 2016

May 4 2016 Discussion Topic

Hello all,

Please read the article that is located here. It is about how to master a new skill.

Please think about the questions below. Remember, this is not a presentation, but make sure you understand all of the questions and have done some thinking so you can make comments during the discussion.

See you in class!

1.     Do you agree with the advice in the article? Do you do any of these things?
2.     How does this advice apply to learning/studying English? Give examples.
3.     What skills have you mastered? How did you do it?
4.     What skills are you trying to master or would you like to master? How do you plan to achieve mastery? How long do you think it will take?
5.     What are the easiest and hardest English skills to master?
6.     Do you have any helpful tips of your own?
7.     Do you enjoy a challenge? Do you like to push yourself to the edge of your abilities or do you prefer to stay in your comfort zone? When was the last time you really tested yourself or felt out of your depth?
8.     Who are your role models? Why?
9.     Do you keep a diary or journal? Why? What do you write in it?

10. How do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now?