Sunday, 29 November 2015

Dec 2, 2015 Discussion Topic

The topic today will be garbage and recycling.

There are many signs up in the subway cars that say people in apartments are not recycling. I have a few questions about this.

1) Does it seem easy to recycle here in Toronto?
2) Should we blame the people who live in apartments, or the landlords for not making it easier to recycle?
3) Should there be a fine if people are caught throwing recycling in the garbage?
4) Is there a recycling program in your home city?
5) Can anything be recycled in your home city?
6) Do you recycle here? Do you recycle in your home city?
7) Do you think that recycling really helps the environment?

Try to think of other questions you'd like to discuss also. 

See you in class!


Monday, 23 November 2015

Nov 25, 2015 Discussion

Hello all,

Here it is!

-       an epidemic of beauty sickness Renee Engeln

1) Which do you think is more important, health, or appearance?

2) Would you take medicine to cure an appearance problem (for example, acne or serious pimples) even though it might negatively affect your health?

3) Do you think our culture is too worried about appearance?

4) If someone dies because they were taking a prescribed drug, whose fault is it? The company that makes the drug, the government for allowing the drug to me prescribed, the doctor for prescribing the drug, or the patient for choosing to take the drug?

5) Who puts more pressure on girls to be beautiful? Men or Women?

6) If you were rich, would you choose a very nice house, cosmetic surgery, or a world vacation?

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Nov 17 2015 Discussion Topic

RFID student tracking blog discussion (40min) – Nov 18 2015

Please read the above article before class begins.

1)   If you were a parent, would you want the school to be able to track (follow using a computer) your child?

2)   If you were a student, would you want your school to be able to track you?
a.     Would you change or tamper with the tracking device in your student ID?

3)   Do students need a student ID in your home country?

4)   What kind of students do you think this tracking system would benefit (be good for)?

5)   The schools would be spending a lot of money on these new tracking systems? Do you think this is a smart way to spend money? Will it make the kids safer?

Monday, 2 November 2015

Nov 3 2015 Blog Discussion

Let's talk about this!

1) Should people who are caught driving drunk have to have special license plates that say their are a danger on the road on their cars?

Please consider this and be ready for class tomorrow.

Think hard.
