Tuesday, 31 March 2015

April 1 2015 Blog Discussion

Please consider the question below and have some opinion to express tomorrow. We begin with discussion!

Do you think talent or hard-work are more important?

Should schools offer cash bonuses for good grades?

Happy National Aluminum Can Day! Make sure to build a small castle out of cans to remember those great men and women of Canada who popularized the aluminum can.

See you in class.


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

March 18 2015 Discussion

Please have a look at this video and consider the questions below.

See you in class!

- an epidemic of beauty sickness Renee Engeln

1) Which do you think is more important, health, or appearance?
2) Would you take medicine to cure an appearance problem (for example, acne or serious pimples) even though it might negatively affect your health?
3) Do you think our culture is too worried about appearance?
4) If someone dies because they were taking a prescribed drug, whose fault is it? The company that makes the drug, the government for allowing the drug to me prescribed, the doctor for prescribing the drug, or the patient for choosing to take the drug?

5) Who puts more pressure on girls to be beautiful? Men or Women?

Happy St.Patrick's Day!


Sunday, 1 March 2015

March 4 2015 Discussion!

Happy spring! Maybe... It is March...

Please watch the posted video (click the link) and consider the following questions. Be ready to discuss this in class.

See you soon!

(To watch the video, please click the play button just under the video window and above the facebook, twitter, etc link buttons.)

Should power tools be used by kids?

Is experiencing danger healthy or good for kids?

Why do parents, governments, etc., put off (delay) the danger kids will eventually encounter (experience)?

Did you like danger as a kid? How about now? What did the danger teach you? What dangers did you experience?

Do you agree with the five things kids should experience?
- fire
- knives
- spears (throwing)
- deconstructing machines
- breaking laws (pirating music and driving)

Is this presenter crazy?
