Friday, 19 December 2014

Dec 31 2014

This is the Dec 31 2014 Discussion Topic

Please think about the following topic.

Is it okay to bribe children to behave well?
What is the difference between bribing, encouraging, and rewarding?

Have fun in class!

See you really soon.

Have a great New Year's Eve!!

Dec 23 2014

-         This is the Dec 23 2014 Discussion

-          What is your first impression of this food?
-          Why do you think people are willing to eat this?
-          Do you think this food is expensive?
-          I would try it, so I have to ask, would you try it?
-          In Canada, there are a few foods that I will not eat, are there any foods you won’t eat in your country?

Please watch the video and be ready to discuss the above questions in class.

Have a great class!


Sunday, 14 December 2014

Dec 17 2014 Blog Discussion

 We will be discussing this topic:

Health vs. Appearance

1) Which do you think is more important, health, or appearance?
2) Would you take medicine to cure an appearance problem (for example, acne or serious pimples) even though it might negatively affect your health?
3) Do you think our culture is too worried about appearance?
4) If someone dies because they were taking a prescribed drug, whose fault is it? The company that makes the drug, the government for allowing the drug to me prescribed, the doctor for prescribing the drug, or the patient for choosing to take the drug?

Please think about these questions prior to class.



Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Dec 10 2014 Discussion

Please watch this video (we will watch it in class too) and consider the questions below. Use you dictionaries if needed please.

Should power tools be used by kids?

Is experiencing danger healthy or good for kids?

Why do parents, governments, etc., put off (delay) the danger kids will eventually encounter (experience)?

Did you like danger as a kid? How about now? What did the danger teach you? What dangers did you experience?

Do you agree with the five things kids should experience?
- fire
- knives
- spears (throwing)
- deconstructing machines
- breaking laws (pirating music and driving)

Is this presenter crazy?

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Nov 13 2014 Blog Assignment - The Story!

As promised, here are a couple of story starters. The first one is part of an old Ukranian FolkTale, and the second is a

Please read the story, look up any vocabulary, and create an ending for the story. Be creative! This is your chance! Don't just make a simple ending...

I look forward to your stories!
Don't forget some pictures.


Option 1) The Cat (Puss) and the Rooster (Cock)

Once upon a time there lived a Cat and a Cock who loved one another dearly. The Cat would play his fiddle and the Cock would sing, the Cat would go out to get food for the two of them, and the Cock would stay at home and look after the house. Every time the Cat prepared to go out he would say to the Cock:

"You mustn't let anyone into the house, Cock, or go out yourself, no matter who calls you."

"I won't, don't you worry," the Cock would reply, and he would get into the house and stay there till the Cat came home.

Now, a Fox once saw the Cock and decided to lure him out and catch him. She crept up to the window of their house when the Cat was out and called out:

"Come out, Cock, and join me, and I'll give you grains of wheat and some water clear and sweet."

But the Cock called out in reply: "Cock-a-doodle-doo, I'll do without, For I promised Puss I'd not go out!"

The Fox saw that this was not the way to go about things, so one night she crept up to the house, threw some wheat grains under the window for the Cock to see and herself hid behind a bush.
By and by the Cat went out hunting as usual, and the Cock opened the window and looked out. There was no one about, he saw, but there, scattered on the ground, lay some luscious grains of wheat. The Cock was eager to eat them and said to himself:

"I think I'll go out and peck at those grains for a bit. There is no one about, so no one will see me or tell Puss on me."

But no sooner did he step over the threshold than the Fox was upon him. She seized him by the scruff of his neck and away she ran to her own house! And the Cock called out to the Cat:

"Save me, Brother Puss, I pray!
Foxy's taking me far away.
For her bushy tail
I can't see the trail.
If you don't come, friend,
I will meet my end." 

(What will happen?! Will Cock be saved? Will he not? Will Puss hear the cries for help? Oh no!)

Option 2) Masha and the Bear

Once upon a time there lived an old man and woman who had a granddaughter named Masha. One day some friends of Masha's decided to go to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries and they came to Masha's house to ask her to go with them.

"Please, Grannie and Grampa," said Masha, "do let me go to the forest"

"You may go but see that you keep close to the others and do not lose sight of them or you might get lost", the two old people replied.

Masha and her friends came to the forest and began to hunt for the mushrooms and berries. From bush to bush, from tree to tree went Masha. Before she knew it she had strayed away from her friends. When at last she saw that she was all alone she began to halloo and call to them, but her friends did not hear her and made no answer. Masha went here and there, she walked all over the forest, and there before her she saw a little hut. Masha knocked on the door but there was no answer, so she gave the door a push and lo! the door opened. Masha went into the hut and sat down on a bench by the window.

"I wonder who lives here she thought". Now in that hut lived a great big bear, only he was out walking in the forest just then. It was evening by the time he came home and when he saw Masha he was very pleased.

"Aha", said he, "now I'll never let you go!. You will live here in my house as meek as a mouse, and you will cook my dinner and my breakfast too, and be my servant, faithful and true."

Masha grieved and sorrowed for a long time, but it could not be helped, and so she stayed with the bear and kept house for him. Every day the bear would go into the forest for the day and before leaving, he would tell Masha to stay in the hut and wait for him.

"You must never go out without me, he told her, for if you do I will catch you and eat you up."
So Masha sat thing of how she could get away from the bear. All around was the forest and there was no one to ask which way to go. She thought and thought until she knew what to do.

That day, when the bear came back from the forest, Masha said to him:

" Bear, Bear do let me to to my village for a day. I want to take something good to eat for my Grandma and Grandpa."

(What will happen? Will Masha think of a plan? Will the Bear see the plan? Is Masha doomed? Ahhh?!)

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Wed, Nov 12, 2014 Discussion Question

Please have a look at this question and think about your answer and the reasons for your answer before class.

See you in class!

   1) Should people who have drug and/or alcohol problems have their children taken away from them by the government?

If yes, how long should they be taken away for?
If no, what should be do to protect the children?
Is workaholism as bad a alcoholism or drug use?

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Blog Assignment Wednesday

Please have a look at this video (you do not need to watch the whole thing). Your assignment is to speak an opinion about something you own. This is not a presentation, so please do not prepare anything written. Simply think about what you will speak about, think if it's positive or negative, and keep calm.

See you in class!


Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Blog Discussion Oct 29 2014

Blog Discussion and Video: Student RFID tracking in middle schools? (20min)

Please watch the video using the link below and consider the questions. You will need to watch the video more than one time. Probably three or four times. See you in class!

1)   If you were a parent, would you want the school to be able to track (follow digitally) your child?

2)   If you were a student, would you want your school to be able to track you?
a.     Would you change or tamper with the tracking device in your student ID?

3)   Do students need a student ID in Korea or Japan?

4)   What kind of students do you think this tracking system would benefit (be good for)?

5)   The schools would be investing a lot of money in these new tracking systems, do you think it is money intelligently spent?


Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Oct 2 2014 discusion questions

Please consider the following questions. We will be talking about them in class tomorrow. See you then!

1)    Husbands should earn the most money in a family.
- Do the men in the family usually make more money in your home country?
- How would you feel if you (if your a woman) or your wife (if you are a man) made the most money?
- Is money a topic that is discussed by families?
- Is being a stay-at-home dad acceptable in your home country?

2) Doing a job you like is more important than earning a lot of money.
- Would you rather enjoy your job, or make a lot of money?
- When you are considering what classes to take in school, do you think about enjoying your future job, or making a lot of money? What are your parents expectations?
- Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who enjoys their job, or someone who makes a lot of money?

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Wed, Sept 24 Discussion Article

Please read the article below and consider this question: Should parent bribe their children to behave properly?

See you in class!


Some parents promise a child dessert if they finish their Brussels sprouts. Some parents purchase a video game if a child does well on a test. These shouldn't be called treats or rewards. Promises of desserts, toys, or favours are bribes, especially when they are given for everyday, appropriate behaviour.
Parenting experts agree that rewards are important. But some parents have gone too far. They pay their children to brush their teeth, go to sleep early, or even score a few goals at a soccer tournament! This may achieve results in the short term. But in the long term, children can become adults with an unrealistic viewpoint of the world. They think, "What are you going to give me?"
The modern world is partly to blame. There are many more material goods than before. In addition, both parents must now work and be parents full-time. It's easier to bribe a child than to have a power struggle. However, with each bribe, children demand more and more.
Of course, it's perfectly all right to reward children from time to time. The action should equal the reward, though.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Wed Sept 17 2014 Discussion Video!

-       Please have a look at the video. Maybe you'll need to watch it more than one time.

-       What is your first impression of this food?
-       Why do you think people are willing to eat this?
-       Do you think this food is expensive?
-       I would try it, so I have to ask, would you try it?
-       In Canada, there are a few foods that I will not eat, are there any foods you won’t eat in your country?

See you in class!
