Saturday, 31 August 2013


I'll do a presentation about the History of the Canadian Maple leaf next Tuseday.
Please give me any questions about "Maple leaf" :D!

SUMMER TIME  Yoshinori Ota

Nobody don't know, there are 6 times difference in Canada. that difference is 4.5 hour .
all so, summer time started march 10 to November 2.
but Saskatchewan province has not do it. Ⅰ can understand Canada is big country.
then that has 6 times difference .  Almost provinces are  going to enforce summer time,
but Saskatchewan don't do that, and some district don't do that.
That matter make complicated society .
 summer time merit
    1 saving light
    2 stopping traffic accident and crime
    3 increasing leisure time
    1 increasing electric amount by airconditionner
    2 computer  software renewal
    3 watch function renewal
Ⅰ wander organization is doing simple, but social system very complex and race is mixed.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


I'll take you all to "Casa Loma" :D!

P.S. I'm terribly sorry for posting it late.
I was visiting some places in Toronto to choose for my presentation and I've got lost many times, so I couldn't get home by 9 p.m. D,: !!!


Eaton Centre in Tront
Eaton Centre was very Large.I went to it for the first time, and went to the bookstore in Eaton Centre;Therefore,I bought a book of the grammar in English.Because I heard that how to study in English from Hisano.Although I wanna go shopping,I had no time.When next came,I'm gonna shopping.

HIGHLIGHT in Toronto yoshinori ota

ST lawrence market
92 front st Toronto
It was established in the early cities history once home to Toronto’s
over 50 vendors sell fruits,vegetables,meets and cheeses on the lower and first level.
the building also has the market gallery ,cooking school.
When  i visited 5 years ago ,that opened market festival.
Ⅰ like to look around local food market and taste those .
Ⅰ think ,food culture talk us (foreigner) local life style  


CN tower

Monday, 26 August 2013


If they were my close or best friends, I would tell them the truth.


I would not tell my friend.

Discussion question for Aug 28/13

Discussion question

Your best friend has decided to get married, but you really do not like the person they will get married to. Do you tell them the truth, or do you stay quiet? If you tell them, how would you tell them? What would you say? If you decide to stay quiet, why? Would you feel bad in the future if they had an unhappy marriage?

Students: Please think about this question, and then create a new post. In this post, only write you opinion (e.g. I would tell my friend). Do not give all of your reasons. We will discuss those in class.

